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Russia Bans Fish and Seafood Products Export from Unfriendly Countries

  • The Government of the Russian Federation has added ready-made fish and seafood products made in the so-called ‘unfriendly countries’ to the list of goods banned for export into Russia.

    An order to this effect signed by RF Premier Mikhail Mishustin will be in force till the end of 2023, the RF Ministry of Economic Development press office has reported.

    The RF Ministry of Agriculture expects that refraining from imports from the EU, the US and Norway will free up certain market niches for Russian producers to fill them. Russian companies will get opportunities to expand their production volume and range as well as to create new jobs.

    Besides, as counter-measures to the sanctions against Russia the Government has introduced a 50% import due for plywood and a 35% import due for polyurethane construction details made in unfriendly contries.

    Import customs dues for wine imported from unfriendly countries are raised from the current 12.5% to 20%, to no less than $1.5 per liter.

    The import due for purified glycerin is increased from the current 5% to 35%.

    Photo: open source

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