В Екатеринбурге будут строить ТЛЦ на ст. Седельниково

Transport and Logistics Center Project for Yekaterinburg

  • TransContainer, Russian Railways and Sverdlovsk region administration have approved the roadmap for implementing an investment project to develop the Yekaterinburg transport and logistics center at the railway station of Sedelnikovo.

    The document was signed by Andrey Krivoshapkin, Director of the Urals branch of TransContainer, Ivan Kolesnikov, Head of Sverdlovsk Railway, and Yevgeny Kuivashev, Governor of the region.

    The roadmap provides for starting the design and survey stage by mid-2024 and commencing the construction stage by 2026. The document also envisages building a road from the Yekaterinburg Ring Road to the station of Bolshoe Sidelnikovo by 2026 and extending that road to the M5 Ural highway by 2028.

    The investment project to build Yekaterinburg Transport and Logistics Center is of strategic importance for TransContainer, the company said. The container terminal at the Yekaterinburg-Toverny railway station currently in use has recached its capacity limit. Last year, it handled 172.5 thousand TEU, which is close to its maximum capacity of 200 thousand TEU per annum.

    The first phase of the Yekaterinburg Transport and Logistics Center project envisages developing a new container terminal with an annual capacity of 158 thousand TEU. The estimated cost of the facility is more than 3.4 bn rubles ($41.14 mn). The territory of the center allows of expanding the terminal capacity up to 300 thousand TEU per annum.

    Yekaterinburg is a large container hub, TransContainer said. The current annual throughput via the container terminals in the region makes some 300 thousand TEU expected to grow to at least 500 thousand TEU per annum.

    Photo: courtesy of TransContainer

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