Туркменистан присоединяется к соглашению о МТК «Север – Юг»

Turkmenistan Joins North-South International Transport Corridor Agreement

  • The Government of the Russian Federation has approved the proposal of the RF Ministry of Transport supported by the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other federal executive authorities concerned to express the Russian Party’s consent to Turkmenistan’s accession to the Agreement on the North-South international transport corridor signed on September 12, 2000 in St. Petersburg.

    Order No1852-r was signed by RF Premier Mikhail Mishustin on July 11, 2023, the RF Government press office said in a statement.

    The RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to notify the depositary of the Agreement, the Islamic Republic of Iran on the Russian Party’s consent to Turkmenistan’s accession to the Agreement.

    Photo: open source

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