Беларусь планирует построить в Мурманской области терминал по перевалке удобрений

Belarus Intends to Build Fertilizers Terminal in Murmansk Region

  • A potential project to build a potash fertilizers terminal in Murmansk region was one of the topics discussed during the visit of working group of the Belarussian ministry of transport and communications to Murmansk.

    Deputy Government of Murmansk Oblast Olga Kuznetsova confirmed that the region is interested in developing the Murmansk transport hub in cooperation with Belarussian partners, the regional government said in its social media account.

    “These plans have a huge synergetic effect for our countries. Republic of Belarus is getting a safe year-round transport corridor for its products to access the global markets, while our region is getting additional workplaces and tax,” she is quoted as saying.

    Natalia Aleksandrovich, Deputy Minister of transport and communications of Republic of Belarus, start that Belarus sees a need to develop maritime infrastructure base for Belarussian goods in Murmansk.

    Belarus voiced the plans to build a fertilizers terminal in Murmansk Oblast in summer 2022 after its top potash fertilizers producer Belruskaliy was put on sanctions list.

    Photo: Murmansk regional government Telegram channel

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