«Новатэк» ускоряет реализацию СПГ-проекта на Камчатке

Novatek Intensifies Kamchatka LNG Project Development

  • Arkticheskaya Perevalka (Arctic Transshipment), a subsidiary of Novatek responsible for the LNG terminal projects in Murmansk region and on the Kamchatka Peninsula, has been granted the status of a resident of the Kamchatka territory of advanced development, the press office of Russian Far east and Arctic Development Corporation reports.

    According to the agreement with Russian Far east and Arctic Development Corporation, the investment into the Kamchatka LNG project will make about 6 bn rubles ($85.3 mn).

    The Kamchatka LNG project envisages delivery of LNG from Arctic fields to the marine terminals by Arctic class LNG carriers, and transshipment via floating storage facilities or immediate ship to ship transfer on board conventional LNG tankers for delivery to the APR markets.

    At present, the construction of the floating storage facilities, the more than 6 km long fairway and the port fleet berth is nearing completion. Dredging and vessel traffic management system implementation are planned.

    According to Yury Safyanov, MD of Arkticheskaya Perevalka, the terminal will have floating storage facilities with a capacity of 360 thousand cubic meters and two anchorages for ship to ship transfer.

    When put into operation, the terminal will give jobs to more than 100 people.

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