РЖД и Туркменские железные дороги запустят контейнерный сервис по МТК «Север-Юг»

Russian and Turkmen Railways to Launch North-South Transport Corridor Container Service

  • Poleg Belozerov, CEO of Russian Railways, and Chairman of Turkmen Railways Azat Atamuradov have signed a cooperation development programme for 2023-2025, RZD said in their social media account.

    The document envisages collaboration in developing transport and logistics services including launching a regular container service using the East branch of the North-South international transport corridor and a block train to provide minimal transit time for agriproducts between Turkmenistan and Russia.

    The agreement also provides for cooperation in developing human resources potential and digitalization.

    The document also provides for a possibility to open an office of Russian Railways in Turkmenistan and an office of Turkmen Railways in Russia.

    Photo: Russian Railways

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