Порт на берегу Кольского залива для перевалки белорусских удобрений

New Port for Belarussian Fertilizers in Murmansk

  • Last week, a delegation of Murmansk Oblast visited Belarus. According to Governor Olga Kuznetsova, the visit was fruitful.

    Thus, an agreement was reached to export potash fertilizers made in Belarus via Murmansk, Kuznetsova said in her social media account.

    To implement the project, a terminal is to be built on the west coast of the Kola Bay, the local media quote Kuznetsova as saying.

    The terminal capacity is planned to make 5-7 mn tons per annum.

    Earlier, in August this year, a delegation of Belarussian businesses visited Murmansk to discuss cooperation prospects.

    Photo: Vecherny Murmansk

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