Экспорт угля и кокса, 11 месяцев 2020: в ноябре вывоз угля к прошлому месяцу вырос

Export Coal Logistics on State Council’s Agenda

  • A joint session of the RF State Council commissions for energy and transport has been held via videocon. Top officials from the Anti-Trust Authority, the Federal Agency for Railway Transport, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of industry and trade, governors of RF regions, representatives of regional railway administrations, railway operators, sea ports, shippers, metalworks took part, with Igor Levitin, ex minister of transport, aide to the President and Chair of the Council presiding.

    The participants discussed the pricing aspect of export coal logistics including the tariffs for railway transportation and port handling.

    They formulated proposals as to how to minimize the negative impact on coal mining companies and all the parties involved in coal transportation, which will submitted to the RF Government.

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