Russia’s Nuclear Lighter Carrier to Transport Fish

Regular Train Service from St. Petersburg to Europe

  • TransContainer has launched a new regular block train from St. Petersburg to Germany and the Netherlands via the Brest-Malasheviche border crossing point between Belarus and Poland.

    The first train laden with 50 containers left the inland terminal of Logistika-Terminal in Shushary in St. Petersburg on April 18. The next train is scheduled to depart on April 20.

    At Brest-Malasheviche, the containers will be taken off the Russian 1520 mm gauge standard platforms and loaded onto European standard gauge platforms and carried on to the destinations in Hamburg, Duisburg and Rotterdam.

    The services is designed for export designated cargo like rubber, plywood and other commodities and will allow of offering additional logistics solutions under the conditions when export via the Big port of St. Petersburg is restricted.

    TransContainer provides containers and organizes rail transportation on the Russian territory, in Europe the company’s subsidiary TransContainer Europe takes responsibility.

    The service is planned on a weekly basis. In future, new destinations are expected to be added.

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