Принципиальный документ для жд транзита через Калининград по «Новому шелковому пути»

New Bill to Promote Rail Transit via Kaliningrad

  • On December 30, 2021 RF President Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law No453 On the announcement by the Russian Federation in relation to the realization of the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF).

    The bill provides for applying the Uniform Rules concerning the Contract of International Carriage of Goods by Rail (CIM) to rail transportation on part of the infrastructure of the Kaliningrad and Oktyabrskaya Railways.

    In a comment e-mailed to SeaNew by Mann Lines, the company actively involved in serving transit via Kaliningrad said that this will allow of making international shipments by rail using the unified CIM/SMGS consignment note and applying CIM to intermodal routes via Kaliningrad to Germany in the framework of the Belt and Road initiative.

    Photo: courtsey of Mann Lines


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