Регулярный мультимодальный сервис из АТР в Европу через Дальний Восток и Калининград

New Regular Multimodal Service APR – Europe via Russia

  • TransContainer has launched a new regular multimodal service for containerized cargo from the Asian Pacific Region to Europe via Russian Far East ports and Kaliningrad.

    The shipment consisting of 54 containers laden with consumer goods manufactured in South Korea was delivered by sea from Busan to Vostochnaya Stevedoring Co in Vostochny and loaded on board a train that left on September 10 for Kaliningrad via the territory of Russia, Latvia and Lithuania.

    The transit time by rail took 14 days. From Kaliningrad, the containers will be shipped to Hamburg. In future, cargo from other APR countries will be carried in the framework of the service.

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