Буровые из Канады в Оман авиатранспортом

Volga-Dnepr Flies Drilling Equipment from Canada to Oman

  • Russia’s Volga-Dnepr airline has delivered giant mobile drilling equipment from Calgary in Canada to Muscat in Oman in cooperation with Pentagon Freight Services Canada.

    It took five days and six flights to carry two drilling machines weighing 120 tons in total. A modernized An-124-150 freighter was deployed to transport the cargo.

    The machines will be used in the fields developed by Petroleum Development Oman near Bahla and Adam.

    Volga-Dnepr said it saw a downturn in demand for cargo transportation from the oil and gas sector during the pandemic and was happy to cooperate with Pentagon Freight Services on a new project.

    During the first six months of 2021 the company carried more than 900 tons of oil and gas equipment.

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