«Амбал» вернулся на линию Усть-Луга – Балтийск

Rail Ferry Back to Ust-Luga – Baltiysk Service

  • The rail ferry “Ambal” is back to the service between Ust-Luga and Baltiysk after docking at the Kanonersky Shprepair Yard in St. Petersburg.

    According to Oboronlogistics, which acts as the service operator, the vessel made its first voyage arriving at Baltiysk on May 17 with cargo from Ust-Luga.

    The “Ambal” can transport both railway rolling stock and wheeled vehicles. It also has on board 12 cabins for drivers. The ferry is deployed carrying cargo between the Russian Baltic ports of Ust-Luga and Baltiysk in Kaliningrad region.

    The average shipment is 8 thousand tons. The transit time makes about 40 hours. The vessel makes 5-6 round trips a month.

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