Полносоставный контейнерный поезд из Финляндии в Японию по Транссибу

Block Train from Finland to Japan by TransSiberian Railway

  • RZD Logistics and Nurminen Logistics have organized a block train from Vuosaari in Finland to Japan by the TransSiberian Railway.

    According to RZD Logistics, the train carrying 41 40’ units left Vuosaari on April 15 and is scheduled to arrive at Vostichny on April 27. From there, the container will be loaded on board a vessel operated by FESCO and transported to Yokohama in Japan.

    According to Dmitry Murev, MD of RZD Logistics, demand for transportation between Japan and Europe is growing, and customers in both countries are increasingly interested in using the TransSiberian Land Bridge.

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