Поставки белорусских нефтепродуктов через российские порты опережают планы

Belarussian Oil Product Traffic via Russian Port Ahead of Plan

  • Almost 111 thousand tons of Belarussian petrol was delivered to the port of Ust-Luga to be exported in March, compared to the target figure of 86 thousand tons provided for by the intergovernmental agreement on shipping Belarussian oil products via Russian sea ports, RF transport minister Vitaly Saveliev said in a meeting with vice premiers.

    Fuel oil deliveries to St. Petersburg Oil Terminal made 96.6 thousand tons compared to the target 90 thousand tons. Also, 14.6 thousand tons of gas oil was delivered to Ust-Luga, which was not in the schedule.

    According to Saveliev, Russian companies earned some 348 mn rubles ($4.6 mn) handling Belarussian oil products in March, including 142 mn rubles ($1.9 mn) for rail transportation and 206 mn rubles ($2.7 mn) for terminal services.

    In April, some 280 thousand tons of Belarussian oil products is scheduled to be shipped via Russian sea ports including 106thosand tons of gas oil, 92.5 thousand tons of fuel oil, and 71 thousand tons of petrol.

    In May-June, about 360 thousand tons is planned to be shipped including 281 thousand tons of 281 thousand tons of gas oil and 79 thousand of fuel oil.

    The guaranteed shipment amount to 2021 makes 1.8 mn tons.

    At present, the RF Minister of transport is discussing with its Belarussian counterpart options for diverting other export designated Belarussian commodities to Russian sea ports, Saveliev added.

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