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7.5 Million Tons along Northern Sea Route in Q1 2021

  • 7.5 mn tons of cargo was carried along the Northern Sea Route during January-March 2021, down 3.9% year-on-year, the RF Federal Agency for Maritime an River Transport reports quoting the Northern Sea Route Administration.

    Icebreaking escort service to vessels in the Southwest part of the Kara Sea were provided by the diesel electric icebreakers “Alexander Sannikov” and “Admiral Makarov” and the nuclear-powered icebreakers “Yamal”, “Vaigach”, “Taimyr”, “50 Let Pobedy”, and “Arktika”. The latter left the Northern Sea Route for Murmansk as of March 30.

    The icebreakers “Ob”, “Thor”, and “Sankt-Peterburg” were deployed in the port of Sabetta, and the “Dudinka” and “Avraamy Zvenyagin” and in the port of Dudinka.

    The icebreaker “Andrey Vilkitsky” was assisting tankers loaded at the Novy Port oil terminal.

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