Новый рекорд грузоперевозок по Севморпути

Record-Breaking Cargo Traffic via Northern Sea Route

  • As of December 22, the cargo volume carried transported along the Northern Sea Route made 32 mn tons compared to 31.5 mn tons carried in 2019, Rosatom has reported.

    The target set for this year is 29 mn tons, and that was achieved ahead of schedule. The growth was much due to Yamal LNG project and the development of Arctic LNG 2 project on the Gydan Peninsula.

    The nuclear icebreakers operated by Rosatom’s subsidiary Atomflot have escorted 479 vessels along the Northern Sea Route compared to 510 vessels last year.

    For 2021, Atomflot expects the number of transits of the Northern Sea Route to continue growing.

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