Акционеры «ТрансКонтейнера» получат дивиденды

TransContainer to Pay Dividends

  • The Board of TransContainer, now part of Delo Group, has decided to pay 39.8 bn rubles of dividends including 28.9 bn rubles ($395.2 mn) from the profit of previous years and 10.9 bn rubles ($149.1 mn) from the earnings during January-September 2020.

    According to Delo, the decision to pay dividends was based on the positive results of TransContainer in 2020, which were achieved, among other things, due to the successful integration into the Group’s assets and the manifestation of the synergy effect from the joint work of all Delo Group’ assets.

    One of the indicators of the Group’s successful results was the growth of profitable traffic by more than 14% compared to 2019 and by more than 5% compared to the 2020 budget.

    Delo Group intends to use the dividends from the activities of TransContainer, among other things, to optimize the debt structure.

    “The company is able to fully implement the investment program to upgrade and expand its rolling stock and container fleet, taking into account the planned increase in traffic volumes,” Sergey Shishkarev, Chairman of the TransContainer Board, commented.

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