В Архангельске открылась школа деревянного судостроения

Wooden Shipbuilding School Inaugurated in Arkhangelsk

  • The Arctic school of traditional wooden shipbuilding has opened in Arkhangelsk. The project is aimed at promoting the cultural and sea-going traditions of the region by offering a training course in building the historical Pomor Koch vessel.

    The first students came to Arkhangelsk from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Petrozavodsk, Perm, and Arkhangelsk Oblast. Out of 40 candidates, 10 people of different age and professions were selected for the first course.

    They will be split into four group to complete a two-months course each during a year. The curriculum includes both the theory of wooden shipbuilding and practical classes in carpentry and joinery.

    The students will also have excursions to the region’s shipyards.

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