«Дело» консолидировало «ТрансКонтейнер»

Delo Group Consolidates 100% in TransContainer

  • Delo Group has completed the consolidation of 100% of Russia’s largest rail container operator PJSC TransContainer by purchasing 0.358955% of shares from minority shareholders. The purchase price of one share was 8,679 rubles 52 kopecks.

    In November 2019, Delo bought the control package in TransContainer (50% + 2 shares) in an auction offering 60.3 bn rubles ($946 mn) for the share. The deal was closed in December 2019. This year in March, the Group consolidated 99.6% in TransContainer.

    Sergey Shishkarev, Chairman of the Delo Group Board, commented: “We continue to follow the previously set course. Now we are working on the development strategy of the holding company, where one of the goals is the achievement of the synergy between the assets of Delo Group. Together with our partner ROSATOM State Corporation we will develop our transportation and logistics business, offering the most advantageous, safe and technologically advanced solutions on the market”.

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