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Vegetable Imports to Russia Up in Q1 2020

  • This article uses the data of the SeaNews Russian Foreign Trade Customs Statistics online service available for subscribers.

    According to SeaNews Russian Foreign Trade Customs Statistics online service, in Q1 2020 Russia imported 575.2 thousand tons of vegetables worth $583.5 mn. In tonnage terms, imports increased by 1.1% compared to the same period in 2019, while in monetary terms it was up 8.9%.

    Tomatoes make the largest share in Russia’s vegetable imports. During the first 3 months of 2020, thy account for 154.3 thousand tons (+5.8%) worth $200.9 mn (+8.9%). The major exporters of tomatoes to Russia were Turkey, Azerbaijan, Morocco and China.

    Imports of peppers increased by 15.5% to 58.8 thousand tons worth $86.7 mn, up 22.6%. The largest volumes came from Israel, China and Turkey.

    Imports of cabbage amounted to 52.8 thousand tons (-14.7%) worth $29.2 mn (-6.7%). Most of the products was shipped from China and Uzbekistan.

    Import of onions and garlic decreased by 11.7% down to 44.6 thousand tons worth $41.3 mn, up 19.7%. Onions and garlic were mainly imported from China, the Netherlands and Egypt.

    Egypt was the major exporter of potatoes to Russia in the first quarter of 2020, accounting for more than 90 percent of deliveries in both tonnage and monetary terms. During the reporting period, 44.5 thousand tons (+8%) of potatoes worth $17.6 mn was imported.

    Carrots import made 39.6 thousand tons (+4.5%) worth $17.1 mn (-3.9%). The main countries of origin were Israel, Belarus and China.

    Cucumbers import amounted to 26.8 thousand tons, down 15.7% year-on-year. In monetary terms, it decreased by 11.4% down to $34.3 mn. The largest volumes came from China, Azerbaijan and Belarus.

    During the first quarter of 2020, vegetables were imported to Russia from 96 countries. The main exporting countries were China, Turkey, Israel and Egypt.

    Thus, 99.3 thousand tons of vegetables was imported from China, 21% less during in the same period in 2019. In monetary terms, imports from China made $99 mn (-11.3%).

    Vegetable shipments from Turkey decreased by 3.9% down to 64.2 thousand tons worth $70.3 mn, down 4.2%. Tomatoes, vegetable marrows and peppers prevailed in the imports.

    62.6 thousand tons of vegetables (+57.7%) worth $36 mn (+42.9%) was imported from Egypt. Most of the imports were potatoes, garlic, tomatoes and lettuce.

    Imports of vegetables from Israel increased by 3.6% up to 60.5 thousand tons in terms of tonnage and by 12.9% up to $80.4 mn in terms of value. Peppers, celery and carrots accounted for the largest share of the volume.

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