According to SeaNews Russian Foreign Trade Customs Statistics online service, exports of nickel and its products from Russia in 2019 amounted to 272.2 thousand tons (+10% year-on-year) worth $2.9 bn (+12.2%).
In 2019, Russia exported nickel and its products to 70 countries. The major importers were Finland, the Netherlands and Switzerland, while Murmansk Oblast and Krasnoyarsk Kray were the main exporting regions.
Unprocessed unalloyed nickel export made 133.9 thousand tons (-0.6%) worth $1.8 bn (+6.4%). Practically all of it was designated for the Netherlands and Switzerland, and almost all of the cargo was shipped from Murmansk Oblast and Krasnoyarsk Kray.
Nickel matte export increased by 21.7% to 133.6 thousand tons in terms of tonnage. In monetary terms, it grew by 23.5% up to $981.2 mn. 90% of nickel matte exported was shipped to Finland. All nickel matte originated from Murmansk Oblast.
Nickel and nickel products export from Russia to Finland increased up to 120.5 thousand tons (+9.6%) worth $883 mn (+11%) in 2019. All the exports were shipped from Murmansk Oblast.
Nickel and nickel products export to the Netherlands surged by 93.7% up to 95.7 thousand tons in physical terms and 2.1-fold up to $1.3 bn in monetary terms. Most of the shipments came from Murmansk Oblast and Krasnoyarsk Kray.
Switzerland imported from Russia 45.7 thousand tons (-45.9%) of nickel and nickel products worth $575 mn (-47.6%). All the volume was shipped from Murmansk Oblast.