«Звезда» построит атомный ледокол «Лидер» для «Росатомфлота»

Rosatomflot and Zvezda Yard Sign Contract to Build World’s Most Powerful Icebreaker

  • April 23 a contract to build the Project 10510 Leader nuclear icebreaker between Atomflot, the operator of Russia’s nuclear icebreaker fleet, part of Rosatom state corporation, and Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex.

    The vessel is to be delivered in 2027. It will be the world’s most powerful icebreaker with an aggregate capacity of 120 MWt capable of operating in ice over 4 meters thick.

    Deploying the icebreaker Rosatonflot will be able to provide safe and regular vessel escorts in the Eastern Arctic and guarantee year-round navigation along the Northern Sea Route opening new opportunities for high-latitude commercial shipping routes, Mustafa Kashka, Managing Director of the company, said.

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