Cargo throughput via baltic basin ports in march 2020

Baltic Basin Ports’ Throughput in March: Ust-Luga Handles 40%

  • According to SeaNews PORTSTAT analytic online service, the total cargo throughput of the Baltic basin sea ports in March 2020 remained much on the previous year’s level (+0.6%). Cabotage was up 34.5%. Export increased slightly by 0.7%. Import declined by 2%, and transit by 26%.

    The share of the Baltic basin in the total cargo traffic via all the Russian sea ports amounted to 29.6% in March 2020.

    More than half of the total was oil and products, with oil products accounting for 29.2% of the overall throughput, and crude oil for 27.5%. Coal and coke had the third largest share in the aggregate throughput amounting to 14.7%.

    It should be noted that the highest growth was in ferry cargo segment (+38%), piece cargo (+27%) and liquid chemicals (+18.8%).

    The commodities that decreased the most were other general cargo (-56.1%), grain (-38.3%) and liquefied gas (-34.9%).

    Ust-Luga accounted for 41.1% of the aggregate cargo throughput via the Russian Baltic basin sea ports in March. Primorsk handled 25%, and the Big Port of St. Petersburg 23% of the total.

    PORTSTAT is an analytic service containing container and cargo throughput statistics for all the Russian sea ports and stevedoring companies.

    PORTSTAT is a cloud-based online service available for our subscribers at any time, in any place where internet is available, and from any device, be it a PC or a mobile gadget.

    Container throughput via russian ports
    Cargo throughput via russian ports

    PORTSTAT opportunities and advantages:

    Baltic Basin Ports’ Throughput in March: Ust-Luga Handles 40%Comprehensive – statistics are available for all the sea ports and stevedorig companies of the Russian Federation. Historic data is available since 2015.

    Baltic Basin Ports’ Throughput in March: Ust-Luga Handles 40%Indicative – regional shipping market indicator with no time lag. Growth/decline trends for the past months.

    Baltic Basin Ports’ Throughput in March: Ust-Luga Handles 40%Speed – momentary data visualization, various analytic breakdowns. Import / export / cabotage / transit / throughput structure by cargo type.

    Baltic Basin Ports’ Throughput in March: Ust-Luga Handles 40%Available 24/7PORTSTAT is located in a cloud-based data center and is available always, everywhere and from any device.

    Baltic Basin Ports’ Throughput in March: Ust-Luga Handles 40%Visualization – diagrams, graphic and cartographic visualization. Data export.

    Baltic Basin Ports’ Throughput in March: Ust-Luga Handles 40%High relevancy – data is updated monthly.

    PORTSTAT is an innovative interactive analytic tool based on the BI and BIGDATA technology that enables you to::

    • get data in a user defined breakdown, including container and cargo throughput for at least past 7 months for absolutely all of the Russian sea ports and stevedoring companies for all commodity groups (about 20 of them),
    • break down cargo flows (export/import/transit) by commodity groups by basin, port, or stevedore,
    • rate port/terminal operators of the basin/port you have chosen not only by their aggregate throughput, but also by other parameters, such as import/export/cabotage volume, defining commodity group and period of time (last month, concrete month you defined, or a period you set),
    • get interactive cartographic representation of data,
    • choose what data and in what context are visualized on the screen,
    • compare operational statistics of two stevedoring companies.

    New fresh statistics for all the Russian sea ports and stevedoring companies are uploaded into PORTSTAT every month.

    Now data for March 2020 is available in the PORTSTAT online service.

    PORTSTAT demo version

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