Первый контейнерный поезд в Китай со свинцово-цинковым концентратом

First Block Train with Lead and Zinc Concentrate to China

  • TransContainer has launched the first block train with lead and zinc concentrate to China. The train carrying 62 40’ units laden with lead and zinc concentrate mined at the Noyon-Tolgoy field in Zabaikalsk Kray left on February 24.

    In future, TransContainer expects to make the service regular with two departures a month. Previously, lead and zinc concentrate was shipped to China in gondola cars.

    Last year, TransContainer started carrying zinc concentrate from another field in the region, namely, the Kyzyl-Tashtyg pyrite and polymetallic field. It also used to be carried in gondola cars, but during the 5 months of 2019 364 TEU was shipped.

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