Внешнеторговый оборот Россия – ЕС

Russia – EU Trade Turnover Down

  • During 2019, the trade turnover between Russia and the countries of the European Union decreased by 4.9% year-on-year down to 231.2 bn euro. Compared to 2017, the decrease was even larger amounting to 8.8%.

    According to Eurostat, import from EU countries into Russia was up 6.7% in 20149 making 87.8 bn euro. Export from Russia to the European Union declined by 10.9% down to 143.4 bn euro.

    Due to Brexit Eurostat has changed the data format counting the UK among its trade partners now. Now, Russia occupies the fifth position among the largest importers to the EU countries, after the USA, China, the UK, and Switzerland.

    Among the largest exporters to the EU countries, Russia now rates the fourth after China, the USA, and the United Kingdom.

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