Фрахтовый рынок Азовского и Каспийского моря. Неделя 52 2019

Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 52, 2019

  • All regions and segments are going down in the Russian South. The Sea of Azov market has already lost 2 dollars since the last report and most probably this is just the beginning.

    According to Rufco shipbrokers, the number of available cargoes is minimal, and this is also true for the adjacent cargo segments – steels and coal.

    Freight rates to the Sea of Marmara make $21-22 pmt from Rostov and $20-21 pmt from Yeisk.

    Freight rates to SE Black Sea ports are $19-20 pmt from Rostov and $18-19 pmt from Yeisk.

    The Black Sea is heavily affected by sky rocketing bunker prices. Sulphur cap 2020 is finally playing its role in ruining the local market, which, according to Rufco, was already not in a perfect condition. Hopefully, this madness would turn back to normal levels during the first half of January.

    In the Caspian, warm weather is allowing Volgograd port to continue operating. Risky voyages ex Volgograd are rated at $50 pmt. Demand for tonnage is still significant from Makhachkala ($28 pmt), Aktau ($25) and Astrakhan, but the forthcoming New Year holidays have already started decreasing the number of cargoes available.

    Freight ex Astrakhan to Iran make $37-38 pmt this week.

    Please note that the rates cited in this article are average market rates. We ask our readers to pay attention that this information is not a commercial offer and cannot be an example for comparison in commercial disputes and arbitration.

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