Cargo Traffic via North-West Russian Port in October 2019

Cargo Throughput via Russian NW Ports in October

  • According to SeaNews’ PortStat online analytic service, in October 2019 the throughput of Russia’s North-Western sea ports grew by 5.2% year-on-year. Most of the throughput was export, which increased by 6.5%. Transit was up 4.6%. Import declined by 1.5%, cabotage by 20.4% year-on-year.

    More than half of the total is oil and products, with crude oil accounting for 30.5% of the overall throughput, and oil products for 27.8%. Coal and coke have the third largest share in the aggregate throughput amounting to 15.1%.

    throughput structure North-West october 2019
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    According to SeaNews PORTSTAT online analytic service (available to subscribers).

    Big Port of St. Petersburg

    The throughput of the Big Port of St. Petersburg increased by 2.5%. Export grew by 4.6%. Import was down 1.5% and cabotage down 52.3%.

    Cargo Throughput via Big Port of St. Petersburg
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    November statistics to be available in PORTSTAT online service soon.


    Ust-Luga handled in October 2019 9.7% more than in October 2018. Export was up 9.8%, transit up 4.6% and import up 52.5%. Cabotage, on the contrary, declined by 12.2%.

    Cargo Throughput via Ust-Luga


    Compared to October 2018, cargo traffic via Vyborg dropped by 47.1%. Export was down 46.5% year-on-year, and import down 55.6%.

    Cargo Throughput via Vyborg


    In October cargo throughput handled in Vyssotsk increased by 14.1% year-on-year. Export, which accounts for the bulk of the total, grew by 11%, cabotage by 55.5%.

    Cargo Throughput via Vyssotsk


    Oil and products export via Primorsk was up 6% year-on-year in October.

    Cargo Throughput via Primorsk


    Kaliningrad saw its throughput decline by 24.6% year-on-year in October. Export was down 23.8%, cabotage down 57%, import down 6.4%.

    Cargo Throughput via Kaliningrad
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    • in monthly trends and detailed figures of container and cargo throughput via certain port or terminal
    • statistics of any Russian stevedoring company
    • laden/empty container import/export/transit/cabotage figures
    • historic figures since 2015

    You will find all of these in PORTSTAT online statistics service

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