ВСК – 15 лет движения вперед

Changes in Global Ports Board of Directors

  • Global Ports has announced that Anton Chertkov, Member of the Board of Directors, Non-Executive Director, has informed the Board that he intends to step down from his role. A.Chertkov was elected Member of the Board after Delo Group acquired a share in Global Ports.

    The Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the Company to be held on December 16, 2019 is to consider the election of Ivan Besedin as a Director of the Company until the next annual general meeting of the Members of the Company to be held in 2020, with no remuneration. 

    I.Besedin has more than a 35-year experience in the Russian railway industry holding a number of high-level positions in the then Ministry of Railway Transport, Russian Railways and Moscow Metro. At present, he is adviser to the President of Delo Group, a role that he has been occupying since April 2019. 

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