Зерновой терминал построят в Приморье

Grain Terminal Planned in Russian Far East

  • A grain terminal is planned for construction on the territory of Free port of Vladivostok. An agreement providing for the project was signed by Far East Development Corporation and Primorsky Sea Terminal.

    According to the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic, the terminal will be located in Bolshoy Kamen in Primorsky Kray.

    The capital investment will amount to 900 mn rubles. The terminal is to be launched in 2024. It will specialize on handling rice, rye, barley and other grains and serving export designated for APR countries. The annual capacity will make 3 mn tons.

    The project envisaged building a quayside, a rail station and a truck handling ground with an underground conveyor gallery, a grain storage facility and related infrastructure.  

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