Новый зерновой терминал в порту Азов

New Grain Terminal for Azov

  • The government of Rostov Oblast, Sberbank and Azov Sea Terminal Ltd. have signed a tripartite agreement on building a grain terminal in the port of Azov.

    The terminal capacity will make 1.5 mn tons per annum with an option to expand it up to 2 mn tons. In addition to grain, the terminal will handle general cargo.

    The estimated cost of the project is almost 3.6 bn rubles. Financing is planned from the company’s own money and by means of a bank loan.

    The terminal is expected to become fully operable in 2024. It will create 150 new jobs.

    The project envisages dredging to increase the depth at the berths up to 4-5 meters, which will allow to accommodate both river- and sea-going vessels with a capacity of up to 5 thousand tons.

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