Росморречфлот о задержаниях судов Palmali

Palmali Vessels Detained in Rostov and Azov

  • The RF Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport (Romorrechflot) has published information on the detention of three vessels operated by Palmali in Azov and Rostov.

     “Ripoil-5” has been anchored in Azov since May 4, “Ripoil-3” has been in Rostov since June 4 and “Mirjalal Pashaev” since June 30.

    All the three ships fly the Maltese flag, among the crew are Russian citizens.

    According to Romorrechflot, the vessels were detained due to a number of deficiencies in respect of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, in particular, the crews did not receive their wages.

    The prosecutor’s office and the police transport department have been informed.




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