Фрахтовый рынок Азовского и Каспийского моря. Неделя 23, 2018

Azov and Caspian Freight Market, Week 23, 2018

  • The Azov Sea market continues to move sideward. The number of spot vessels started to increase again, according to Rufco shipbrokers.

    The forthcoming end of Ramadan is likely to halt the trading activity and keep the market out of any upward trend in mid-June and afterwards until the new crop appears in the market.

    Freight rates to the Sea of Marmara from Rostov make $16-17 per ton.

    Freight rates from Rostov to SE Black Sea ports are $14-15 per ton.

    The Caspian freight market is in the same position. The number of available cargoes is limited and so are cargoes ex mid-Volga ports where rates again have lost a couple of dollars.

    And, as Rufco expect, even this minimal activity might be fully stopped by mid-June with the end of Ramadan.

    Current freight rates from Astrakhan to Iran make $27-29 per ton.

    Please note that the rates cited in this article are average market rates. We ask our readers to pay attention that this information is not a commercial offer and cannot be an example for comparison in commercial disputes and arbitration proceedings.


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