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TransContainer Increases Transit

  • TransContainer has published provisional operations results for the first quarter of 2018.

    The aggregate transportation volume including TransContainer’s equipment carried on third parties’ platforms was up 2.7% year-on-year to 435. Thousand TEU.

    Transit surged 44.7% up to 33.5 thousand TEU, import increased 6.2% to 78.5 thousand TEU and export grew 5.9% to 119.4 thousand TEU.

    Domestic transportation declined 4.7% down to 203.7 thousand TEU.

    The aggregate rail container transportation in Russia grew 12.4% year-on-year up to 1,005 thousand TEU in Q1 2018.

     International transportation increased 20.9% in total, while domestic rail container traffic was up slightly by just 2.8%.




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