Перевозки СЗП

NWSCo Posts Growth

  • In 2017, North-Western Shipping Co increased transportation volume 3.5% year-on-year carrying 5.8 mn tons in total.

    The cargo structure changed little, as most of the cargo was export designated, same as in 2016. In 2017, NWSCo carried over 4.6 mn tons of export cargo, which made 80% of the entire volume and grew 13% year-on-year.

    The bulk of export was grains, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, coal, chemical and mineral fertilizers, and timber and logs.

    0.7 mn tons or 17% of the total was cargo carried between foreign ports, growing 10%.

    Import cargo dropped 34% year-on-year to 0.1 mn tons, in line with the decreasing import from Europe to Russia.

    Domestic transportation reduced almost down to zero, while in 2016 it surged 24-fold year-on-year to 517 thousand tons, mainly due to construction cargo.

    In 2017, NWSCo carried 2.2 mn tons of grains, up 22% year-on-year, 0.7 mn tons of coal (+13%), 1 mn tons of ferrous metals (+11%), and 0.86 mn tons of chemical and mineral fertilizers (+10%).

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