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New Terminal for LUKoil in Murmansk

  • A roadstead terminal to handle LUKoil’s cargo is to start operating in Murmansk by the end of the year, tolf the 7th international forum Arctic: Present and Future Alexey Tyukavin, Vice Governor of Murmansk Oblast.

    ‘We have companies that are already developing their infrastructure, Norilsk Nickel is a bright example. This year they put into operation their terminal with a capacity of over 1 million tons’, he said.

    ‘Oil companies operating in the Western Arctic do understand that exporting directly even to the West is too expensive, so all of them transship their crude via Murmansk, one way or another’.

    A.Tyukavin reminded of the Nord roadstead terminal used to transship Gazpromneft’s cargo and added that the new roadstead terminal expected to be inaugurated by the end of this year is aimed for LUKoil’s crude shipped from Varandey.

    He also said that in 2017 the port of Murmansk is expected to have handled 50 mn tons of cargo.

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