Container Traffic via Arctic Basin Ports in November 2020 Down 6.5%

Container Traffic via Arctic Basin Ports in November 2020 Down 6.5%

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    The article is based on SeaNews PORTSTAT online service (available for SeaNews subsribers).

    According to SeaNews PORTSTAT analytic online service, the total container throughput via the Arctic basin ports in November 2020 decreased by 6.5% year-on-year. Cabotage, which accounts for the major share of the total, declined by 3%. Import dropped 68.9%, and export by 85.3%.

    The share of the Arctic basin in the total container traffic via all the Russian seaports in November 2020 amounted to 3.7%.

    Laden container throughput in the Arctic decreased by 1.5% year-on-year. Reefer containers accounted for 5.5% of the total laden container traffic, and dry containers for 94.5%. Cabotage made 99.9% of all the laden containers, and exports 0.1%.

    Empty container traffic declined by 14.9%.

    The port of Dudinka accounted for 37.3% of the aggregate container throughput via the Russian Arctic basin sea ports in November. Arkhangelsk handled 21.3% of the total, and Murmansk 20.5%.

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