Opening speakers to set the standard for TMS Tanker Conference

Opening speakers to set the standard for TMS Tanker Conference

  • The fourth annual The Maritime Standard Tanker Conference, which is taking place on Tuesday 22nd October at The Atlantis, the Palm, in Dubai, will be notable for the quality and status of the speakers right from the outset.

    Keynote speakers, as well as speakers for the opening first session in the morning, have now been confirmed. These presentations will set the standard for what promises to be an enlightening day of discussion and debate around the future of the tanker shipping business.

    The conference will get underway by hearing from two keynote speakers, Captain Abdulkareem Al Masabi, Chief Executive of ADNOC Logistics and Services, and Abdulla Bin Damithan, Chief Commercial Officer of DP World. Captain Abdulkareem will focus on some of the key issues facing shipowners in the tanker sector and how the integration of such operations with other logistics and service functions can add value across the supply chain. Bin Damithan’s keynote will include a review of the petrochemical trades and how servicing this business is a core component of the UAE maritime cluster.

    Session 1 will sustain the quality of the event and will concentrate on how tanker owners and operators can best adapt to fast moving market conditions. Speakers confirmed for this part of the conference include Ali Shehab, acting Chief Executive of Kuwait Oil Tanker Company (KOTC); Michael Jorgensen, Chief Financial Officer and Acting CEO of Oman Shipping Company, and Captain Anoop Kumar Sharma, Chairman and Managing Director, Shipping Corporation of India. These speakers will reflect on the opportunities, and challenges shaping regional trade prospects in the Middle East region in the short and medium term, and how tanker service providers can help support national economic strategies. As well as crude oil tanker operations, there will be an assessment of prospects for the product and chemical tanker sectors, the impact of Indian economic growth for the regional tanker market and how tanker shipping can efficiently transition to a carbon neutral future.

    Aimed at influential decision makers and opinion formers in the tanker shipping and related business sectors, the one-day Conference will highlight regional and global trends in the crude, products and chemicals trades. This year there will also be coverage of several new areas, including the bunker trades and petrochemical markets. The majority of the leading owners and operators in the regional tanker trades will be present in the audience with over 300 delegates expected to attend.

    Clive Woodbridge, conference editor, says, “We are delighted to have such a prestigious, elite panel of speakers in these first two sessions. Each of them are high status leaders in their fields. They will I am sure provide unique insights into the issues facing tanker shipping today and will help delegates gain a clearer picture as to what the future holds.”

    Registration for the conference is now open. Sponsorship opportunities in connection with the event are also available. For more information, please call +971 4 380 5556 or visit the website:


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