«Новатэк» создает СП с «Росатомом»

Novatek to Establish JV with Rosatom

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    September 12, during the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Chairman of the Novatek Management Board Leonid Mikhelson and CEO of Rosatom State Corporation Alexey Likhachev signed an agreement of intent on establishment of a joint venture).

    According to the agreement, the parties intend to establish a long-term partnership to jointly develop, finance and implement a project to create a LNG-fueled icebreaker fleet to support Novatek’s Arctic projects in frozen areas along the Northern Sea Route as well as building port fleet and supply vessels.

    “We already have successful experience of working with Rosatom providing ice-breaker support for the LNG carriers of our “Yamal LNG” project”, – L.Mikhelson said. “This Agreement will facilitate the further development of an icebreaking fleet and support the growth of cargo traffic along the Northern Sea Route that is very important for our company and for Russia’s economy as a whole.”




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