В.Рукша возглавил Дирекцию Севморпути

Northern Sea Route Directorate Established

  • Извините, этот техт доступен только в “Eng”.

    Northern Sea Rote Directorate is established in the framework of the state corporation Rosatom.

    Vyacheslav Ruksha, formerly deputy transport minister responsible for the shipping sector, was appointed Head of the Directorate, Deputy CEO of Rosatom w.e.f. July 24.

    Prior to this appointment he was head of Rosatomflot, the operator of the state-owned nuclear icebreaker fleet.

    The Northern Sea Rote Directorate will be responsible for realizing the federal policies in strategy in respect of the Northern Sea Route, cooperating with federal and regional authorities, managing development projects (including infrastructure projects), providing federal functions and services.

    The new structure will also manage the nuclear icebreaking fleet operated by Atomflot and maintain the existing infrastructure.












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