Продуктовый импорт

Meat Import Down, Fish Import Up

  • Извините, этот техт доступен только в “Eng”.

    Russia’s food import declined during the two months of 2018.

    According to the RF Federal Customs Service’s statistics, in January-February this year Russia imported 60.9 thousand tons of meat and meat products, down 17.3% year-on-year.

    Canned meat and processed meat products import decreased 20.7% down to 2.1 thousand tons.

    Fresh and frozen poultry import declined 0.3% down to 28.3 thousand tons.

    Fish import, on the contrary, grew 27.7% up to 85.8 thousand tons.

    Milk and condensed cream import dropped 41.6% year-on-year down to 41.6% to 12.7 thousand tons.

    Butter import dropped 48.3% down to 9 thousand tons.

    Vegetable oils import surged 2.6-fold to 4.4 thousand tons. Palm oil import made in February as much as 97 thousand tons, up 33.4 month-on-month.

    Citrus fruit import during January-February declined 1.2% down to 386.9 thousand tons. Apple import in February made 89.4 thousand tons (+6.6% month-on-month), and banana import was 131.3 thousand tons (-7.3% month-on-month).

    Raw sugar import in January-February dropped 65.9% to just 1 thousand tons, while white sugar import included 16.2% up to 47.6 thousand tons.

    Coffee import was up 12.4% to 30.8 thousand tons and tea import up 6.6% to 25.1 thousand tons.


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