COSCO and Novatek to Expand Cooperation

COSCO and Novatek to Expand Cooperation

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    As part of today’s meeting in Shanghai, Leonid Mikhelson, Chairman of Novatek Management Board, and Xu Lirong, Chairman China COSCO SHIPPING Corporation Limited Board reviewed the cooperation record on the Yamal LNG Project and agreed to expand the mutual cooperation in scope and depth, especially to expand the dialogue on Arctic transportation collaboration, Novatek has reported.

    COSCO Shipping in cooperation with MOL are building Arc7 ice class LNG tankers for Yamal LNG project. The first vessel named “Vladimir Rusanov” has already been delivered. Earlier Novatek said that “Vladimir Rusanov” is to start carrying gas from Yamal in March this year.

    MOL and COSCO are also to build four conventional LNG tankers for Yamal LNG to carry gas from the transshipment terminal in Kamchatka to APR markets.




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