Russian Foreign Trade Customs Statistics and Analysis Service

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    Official customs statistics contain a huge massive of primary data. To process them fully and in good quality, up to a 10-digit customs commodity code, state of the art visualization and mapping tools are essential. This is what SeaNews offers in our unique visual analytic Russian Foreign Trade Customs Statistics online service based on BIG DATA technologies, which allows of comprehensive analysis and processing of foreign trade statistics.

    Options and advantages of the online service:

    Russian Foreign Trade Customs Statistics and Analysis Service
    Commodity changes: a unique tool to search for changes in import and export commodity structure with a breakdown by geography, rhythm of shipments, nomenclature, and volume.
    Russian Foreign Trade Customs Statistics and Analysis Service
    Full scale: the service is based on the full official database of the RF Federal Customs Service, updated monthly with about a two months lag.
    Russian Foreign Trade Customs Statistics and Analysis Service
    Speed: the search for the data and commodities you look for in the huge data massive takes just a couple of minutes, moreover, you can download the data found into Excel.
    Russian Foreign Trade Customs Statistics and Analysis Service
    Available 24/7: the cloud-based software service is available anytime anywhere from any device.
    Russian Foreign Trade Customs Statistics and Analysis Service
    Visualization: visual graphics and mapping analysis of foreign trade statistics in real time mode.
    Russian Foreign Trade Customs Statistics and Analysis Service
    Up-to-date: the database is updated monthly.

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    Russian Foreign Trade Customs Statistics online service demo version (contains data for January 2019/2020 only, full data for 2019 and 2020 are available in the commercial version of the service)

    For full screen mode, press the Russian Foreign Trade Customs Statistics and Analysis Service button in the lower left corner of the service window (if you have problems viewing the service in your browser, use Google Chrome or Yandex-browser).

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