Паром «Амбал» вернется на линию Усть-Луга – Балтийск ориентировочно 31 марта

Ambal Ferry Back to Ust-Luga – Baltiysk Service Soon

  • The railway ferry “Ambal” owned and operated by Oboronlogistics currently under scheduled maintenance is expected to return to the Ust-Luga – Baltisysk service around March 31.

    The “Ambal” was put into a dock on December 29, 2023. At present, maintenance and repair operations are nearing completion. as scheduled.

    After leaving the dock the vessel will set off from St. Petersburg to Ust-Luga for sea and mooring trials as part of the scheduled inspection of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

    The “Ambal” was built in 1990 in Germany. Her previous scheduled docking was in May 2022. The vessel is designed to transport railcars, rail tanks and platforms. She has three cargo decks accommodating up to 120 railcars, each of the decks has five rails.

    The vessel makes 5-6 round trips between Ust-Luga and Baltiysk, the average shipment makes some 8,000 tons.

    Photo: Oboronlogistics

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