Завершено строительство грузового причала на терминале «Енисей» в порту Диксон

Quayside Built at Yenisei Terminal

  • Severnaya Zvezda (Northern Star), part of Russian Energy Group, a resident of the Russian Arctic zone, has completed the construction of the quayside of Stage 1 of a cargo berth at Yenisei Terminal in the sea port of Dudinka.

    According to the RF Ministry for the development of the Russian Far East and Arctic, the quay length is 129.4 meters. At present, a shiploading machine is being assembled at the berth.

    The new terminal in the Yenisei Bay of the Kara Sea is designed to serve the Syradasay coal field development project. The coal terminal will consist of a berth, a shiploader, shore-based infrastructure and a connecting dam that will carry the conveyor line.

    Yenisei Terminal will be part of the infrastructure of the Northern Sea Route. The start of operations is planned for next summer.

    Photo: RF Ministry for the development of the Russian Far East and Arctic web portal

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