«ЭПТ» подписала соглашение о поставках российского зерна в Иран

EPT Signs Agreement on Grain Delivery to Iran

  • EPT industrial and export company, part of Novy Sukhoputny Zernovoy Koridor (New Land Grain Corridor) Group, or NSZK, has concluded a strategic cooperation agreement with IranianEurasia Trading and Logistics. The document was signed during the official visit of an Iranian delegation to Moscow.

    The agreement envisages organizing long-term supplies of grain from Russia to Iran and other friendly countries in special purpose containers and delivery of consumer goods and food products to Russia as a back load.

    IranianEurasia Trading and Logistics is a resident of the Sarakhs Special Economic Zone, a key trade and logistics hub in Northeast Iran, and part of an important transit route from Central Asia and the Middle East.

    Photo: courtesy of EPT

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