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Russia’s EPT to Deliver Grain to Chongqing

  • Russia’s EPT to Deliver Grain to ChongqingEPT industrial and export company, part of Novy Sukhoputny Zernovoy Koridor (New Land Grain Corridor) Group, or NSZK, has signed a long-term contract with China’s Chongqing BOSIN Industries Development on delivery of grains, legumes and oilseeds harvested in the Urals, Siberia and the Russian Far East to Chongqing.

    It a second long-term contract signed between EPT and a Chinese state-owned company in 2023. Earlier this year, in October EPT concluded a 12-year agreement with another Chinese state-owned company, China Chengtong.

    The long-term contracts for grain export signed confirm China’s interest in establishing a strategic partnership with Russia in food security, EPT said. Both the number of market players involved and the geographic scope of such cooperation are expanding.

    The fact that the contracts signed are long-term allows NSZK and the grain industry on the whole to plan their grain production and logistics infrastructure development also on a long-term basis. These contract establish a steady foundation for developing contract grain production in the Urals, Siberia and the Russian Far East, EPT said.

    Grain will be carried to China in special purpose grain containers. For the return journey, the containers will be stuffed with car parts for the automotive sector and car dealers to be distributed via transport and logistics centers located in Siberia and the Urals.

    Photo: EPT

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