Первый контейнерный поезд FESCO из Ворсино в Благовещенск

FESCO Launches First Block Train from Vorsino

  • FESCO Transport Group has launched its first block train from Vorsino Transport and Logistics Center in Kaluga region to Blagoveschensk in the Russian Far East,

    The train carrying containers laden with food products, household chemicals, construction materials, tyres and furniture arrived at the destination on October 23, 11 days after departing Vorsino.

    The new route is part of the FESCO Blagoveshchensk Shuttle train service operated by FESCO. Before that, FESCO sent trains to Blgoveschensk from the Bely Rast station in Moscow region only.

    At present, the Group is considering launching other trains from Vorsino, both to destinations in Russia and abroad.

    Photo: courtesy of FESCO

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