В Приморье начинается строительство морского терминала по перевалке метанола

Methanol Terminal Construction Starts in Russian Far East

  • The semi-submersible vessels “Development Way” has delivered two non-self-propelled barges, two tugboats to transport them and a floating pile driver for the construction of a terminal of the Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizers Plant, the company said in a statement.

    The barges, the tugboats and the pile driver were unloaded at sea using tugs. The floating pile driver will be son deployed to drive piles for the future quayside of the terminal.

    The future terminal will be used to load methanol that will be produced at the plan, which is also currently under construction. It will be piped on board tankers directly from the tank farm thus eliminating the risk of contamination.

    The terminal capacity will be 1.8 mn tons per annum. It will be capable of handling up to 105 vessels annually, the loading performance will be 1,400 tons an hour.

    The quayside will be 424 meters long and the terminal basin will cover 38.3 thousand square meters.

    Photo: Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizers Plant

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