Росморпорт планирует модернизировать ледоколы для круизов в Арктику и Антарктиду

Rosmorport to Modernize Icebreakers for Arctic and Antarctic Cruises

  • Federal Unitary Enterprise Rosmorport, Russia’s governmental agency responsible for port property management, is mulling modernizing its two 1101 Design icebreakers, the “Kapitan Khlebnikov” and the “Kapitan Dranitsyn” built in late 1970s – early 1980s in Finland.

    The aim is to extend their service life in order to continue deploying them to escort vessels in the White Sea and in the freezing ports in the Russian Far East and to make cruises, Vassily Strugov, Deputy MD, Fleet, Rosmorport, said speaking at the Neva 2023 conference in St. Petersburg.

    After completing modernization by 2028, the vessels are to be classed Icebreaker7 and meet all the current environmental and safety standards. They will be equipped with state of the art rescue equipment, and the cabins will be refurbished to make them more comfortable for passengers and crew members.

    Rosmorport is considering organizing cruises between the ports of Murmansk and Vladivostok, where the “Kapitan Khlebnikov” and the “Kapitan Dranitsyn” are respectively based.

    During the voyage, the tourists will be offered one-day stops to visit Russian Arctic islands and archipelagoes along the route.

    Photo: Rosmorport

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